Cross-border healthcare is one of the most promising and fastest growing export sectors in Europe and elsewhere. Statistics prove that Latvia's healthcare services, high-quality technical support and professionalism of doctors are appreciated abroad, as confirmed also by the steady increase in the number of foreign patients. Latvia is attractive to foreign patients because of its competitive prices, shorter waiting times and use of the most advanced treatment technologies.

The Latvian Tourism Marketing Strategy for 2018-2023 has identified health tourism as one of the priorities.

For more information see and 

List of treatment facilities which provide healthcare export services and have received the relevant certification from the Health Inspectorate.

For more information see (the National Health Service).

List of strategic target markets for 2023

Based on the analysis by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of statistical data on healthcare services provided to foreign patients in Latvia the Coordinating Council for Healthcare Services Exports has decided to include the following countries (in alphabetical order) in the list of strategic target markets for 2023:

  1. Denmark
  2. Estonia
  3. Finland
  4. Germany
  5. Ireland
  6. Lithuania
  7. Norway
  8. Sweden
  9. United Kingdom
  10. USA

Registration of treatment facilities for the list of healthcare export services – see (Health Inspectorate);

Guidelines for filling in the official statistics’ form -  see (Centre for Disease Prevention and Control).